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Experience Levelling Up In Flow Battler RPG


In this tutorial, we will be adding experience and levels to the player. This will give the player a sense of progression as you get stronger and beating enemies

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Better Battle System For Flow Battler


I am just working through the mechanics to totally change the flow battler system. To give you new features with Spells and Magic Points, I mean who doesn’t


Replace Scheduled Apex With Flows (Sometimes)


Scheduled Apex has long been key for updating records, creating records off on a scheduled basis on mass. Some of these things like updating several records at a same time…


Replace Complex Triggers With After Save Flows


Following on from replacing simple triggers with before save flows. You can also replace some triggers with after save flows these types of flows are not as lightweight as before save.

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Replace Simple Triggers With Before-Save Flows


The first triggers I learned were simple things for example updating a field based on something else being filled out. Before record triggered flows this…

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One Page Project: Urgent Case Display


When you or other staff are working on cases, it is always best to make sure cases do not fall through the cracks. A great way to utilize screen flows is…

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Build Overview: Multi object Distribution System


Record distribution is important especially if you want it on a round-robin system. I have used flow-based solutions to deliver this to several clients in the past.  What is round-robin distribution? If you have used things like Distribution Engine you will be fully aware of round-robin distribution. Just in case you don’t know how it […]

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Productive Automation – Flowbuilder for Customer Service


I spent ten years working in customer service, I eventually moved into configuring of salesforce I had some ideas and suggestions straight off the bat. These suggestions helped the organization I was tasked with supporting. Flowbuilder for Customer Service


Add New Lead To Campaign + Autoresponder


I’ve always found that if you combine these, you will kill two birds with one stone or kill two automation pieces with one flow if you may.

One Page Project: Staff Productivity Log Tracking


Still, I once encountered the challenge of tracking what people were doing specifically across multiple objects. Productivity Log tracking is…

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