How To: Set future dates excluding weekends
An everyday use case for automation in Salesforce, whether through Workflow, Process Builder, or Flow Builder, is setting a future date…
How To: Migrating Workflows To Flows
Migrating workflows to flows is relatively simple and pain free. However i personally find it worth reevaluating everything that is going on in the org…
Replace Scheduled Apex With Flows (Sometimes)
Scheduled Apex has long been key for updating records, creating records off on a scheduled basis on mass. Some of these things like updating several records at a same time…
Replace Complex Triggers With After Save Flows
Following on from replacing simple triggers with before save flows. You can also replace some triggers with after save flows these types of flows are not as lightweight as before save.
Replace Simple Triggers With Before-Save Flows
The first triggers I learned were simple things for example updating a field based on something else being filled out. Before record triggered flows this…

One Page Project: Urgent Case Display
When you or other staff are working on cases, it is always best to make sure cases do not fall through the cracks. A great way to utilize screen flows is…
Adding A New Custom Button to Launch Flows
So now we have built the flow we need to create a button and add it to the page layout to launch the flow. In lightning, there are options of including it on the lightning page so in this we will cover both methods. You can do this with any screen flow even though this […]
Better record creation with screen flows (Part 2)
Following on from the first part of this tutorial found here. This will be pretty straightforward to populate the options with the updates and creates two additional screens. Record Options Decision Create a decision that will take the option selected in the previous screen and run through the required actions. So the decisions are Edit […]