Multi Object Distribution System – Wrapping Up
Now we have finished all the main flows. There are just three smaller flows to build. The first will number the the users in a distribution container. It is a record triggered flow when the distribution container is set to active. Numbering Flow The criteria for record triggered is when updated and set to an […]
Multi Object Distribution System – Container Management
This part in the tutorial will take care of the creation of new containers and activation of them. We will also connect our user management flow…
Multi Object Distribution System – User Setup
Initial Setup Before we start building the flow out we need to create these Variables which are crucial to the flow. They are all text types. Distribution needs to be available for outside flow usage as the id is going to be passed through this. Variable Type Purpose Input Output DistributionId Text Holds Distribution Container […]
Multi Object Distribution System – Distribution Flow
If you have followed this tutorial so far you will have created the objects and the fields in the previous step. If you haven’t I recommend that you go back and complete that otherwise, you will be hacking things together on the fly. This will slow you down, and you may miss a field you […]
Multi Object Distribution System – Object Setup
We need two objects for this project the first Distribution Container is what it sounds like and is the container for users in that distribution queue. Distribution users are child records of the Distribution containers which hold the individual user. Distribution Container Setup Action Name Type Create Object Distribution Container Name Field Name Text Input […]
Build Overview: Multi object Distribution System
Record distribution is important especially if you want it on a round-robin system. I have used flow-based solutions to deliver this to several clients in the past. What is round-robin distribution? If you have used things like Distribution Engine you will be fully aware of round-robin distribution. Just in case you don’t know how it […]