How To: Migrating Workflows To Flows

Migrating workflows to flows is relatively simple and pain free. However i personally find it worth reevaluating everything that is going on in the org…

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One Page Project: Promocode Checker

In this tutorial we are going to create a system which automatically checks promotion against a promocode provided by the customer. If valid then..

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Fixes and Tweaks For Flow Battler RPG

In this tutorial following on from the randomness we are going to make a round of small tweaks and fixes to the game without adding too much in the way…

Flow Battler RPG: Adding Randomness To Combat

We have made the Game Flow Battler RPG previously found here, as promised. Though it isn’t stimulating, you will also get the “Game Over” screen at the same point in the game. Today we will change this

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Replace Scheduled Apex With Flows (Sometimes)

Scheduled Apex has long been key for updating records, creating records off on a scheduled basis on mass. Some of these things like updating several records at a same time…


Replace Complex Triggers With After Save Flows

Following on from replacing simple triggers with before save flows. You can also replace some triggers with after save flows these types of flows are not as lightweight as before save.

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Replace Simple Triggers With Before-Save Flows

The first triggers I learned were simple things for example updating a field based on something else being filled out. Before record triggered flows this…

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Image of Goblin for the game

Let’s Make A Simple Game With Flows

Yes you read correctly, we are going to make a game with screen flows. This will be the first of many to come in the future as I like game design…
