Build Overview: Multi object Distribution System

Updated 08/09/2022

Record distribution is important especially if you want it on a round-robin system. I have used flow-based solutions to deliver this to several clients in the past. 

What is round-robin distribution?

If you have used things like Distribution Engine you will be fully aware of round-robin distribution. Just in case you don’t know how it works, if a record hits a specified criterion it fires it down a channel and gets the next user in the queue to distribute the record too. A good example of this would be in dealing with cases, you have two teams Technical and Account Management who both have different responsibilities. 

A case comes in for Technical and you may have three team members use the names Richard, Steve and Rebecca. Richard received the last case so this case will assign to Steve and the case after this will be Rebecca, then back to Richard after this. That’s pretty straightforward forward we will add in a way to temporarily remove people from the queues. So following the previous example but adding that Steve has a half-day vacation this time their manager sets them away and the cases will now go to Richard then Rebecca then Richard and so forth. 

Goal of project

By the end of this, we will have a reusable Subflow with a user and container management system. Which can be plugged into any object on salesforce with an assigned owner or other user lookup field. This will be fairly lengthy and will be split over several posts links will be included below.

The project build outline


  • Distribution Containers
  • Distribution Users


  • Distribution Flow – This handles the logic from Distribution Containers and will be used as a Subflow.
  • Container Set Up – This will handle the creation of distribution records. 
  • User Setup – This handles setting up the users initially.
  • Number Assignment Flow – This gives new distribution users numbers to work with assignment
  • User Management – This will handle the turning off and on of users.
  • Test Flow 1 – This will be a test flow that will pass through to the Subflow from Cases.
Published 23/08/2022
Category: Distribution, Tutorials

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