Better Battle System For Flow Battler

Updated 20/09/2022

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I am just working through the mechanics to totally change the flow battler system. To give you new features with Spells and Magic Points, I mean who doesn’t love Spells in RPG games? Items you can find and start with. This isn’t a tutorial but more of an overview of what is coming. There are some exciting features we will be introducing over a few tutorials in this main series.

Leveling System

If you fight more you get stronger simple right? We don’t currently have a leveling system in the game we will be building one so you can progress and unlock spells as you are leveling up. Your attack power and health need to increase with each level so those pesky goblins know they have taken on more than they can handle. It isn’t going to be anything like a D&D 5e leveling system it will be much simpler probably closer to a JRPG like the very first Final Fantasy games. When your Level goes up your stats go up sometimes you learn a new spell.


Everyone loves Spells from Harry Potter to Lord of the Rings Spells are everywhere. Fireballs, ice shards, and heal are just some examples. You cannot use these for free though so we need to have a magic point value the same way you have health.

New Stats

We will be introducing some new stats Magic Points and Level first. I have scoped out a defense stat for players and enemies. This will mean when we calculate damage we will take these into account and mean tougher enemies feel tougher and not strong which will allow us to build out more enemy variety. We will also have Low Health and High Health thresholds and actions the enemy use explained in the next section.

Faux AI

As you will be able to do a variety of actions on your turn. We will be creating more variables for enemies and use a random number to change what they do each attack. We will have high health and low health threshold on these. The idea with low health is an enemy with low health will thrash out more out of desperation. It will give the appearance of AI without it being anywhere near as complicated.

Explorable Map

I have created a tutorial on having an explorable map for a text-based adventure game this would add to the game so we will include the map system into the game and add an encounter rate for each tile using more. In the future, we can look at building out encounters in certain areas so in a castle you may fight a dragon and in a forest, you may fight some sort of giant insect.

Items and Inventory

We need to include an inventory and items so we can use those to restore health, restore magic points or unlock doors or get stat boosts. These will be introduced further down the tutorial series towards the end but will add a nice bit of variety.

Published 20/09/2022
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